Social Media Updates Archive

Mobile Phone Users in Pakistan Reach 124.24 Million, Broadband Users Hit 24.78 Million

Mobile Phone Users in Pakistan Reach 124.24 Million, Broadband Users Hit 24.78 Million Mobile phone users in Pakistan reached 124.24 million at the end of November 2015, after five mobile phone companies added a combined user base of 1.64 million customers during the reported month, said recently issued stats by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority. Mobilink leads the

China’s new counter-terrorism laws force all tech companies to decrypt information

China’s new counter-terrorism laws force all tech companies to decrypt information China has passed new counter-terrorism laws that give it a wide range of new powers, including obligations on technology companies to provide assistance when requested. According to Reuters, the new laws were passed into effect on Sunday, having dropped a provision that would require

HULT Prize Competition 2016 Concludes at NUST

HULT Prize Competition 2016 Concludes at NUST HULT Prize Foundation is a start-up accelerator where young entrepreneurs from universities worldwide get together to compete. The HULT-powered event is the world’s largest student competition and is aimed towards using these young brains to solve the toughest of global challenges. HULT Prize Competition 2016 at NUST The

Roundup: Holiday and New Year Deals and Discounts by Pakistani e-Stores

Roundup: Holiday and New Year Deals and Discounts by Pakistani e-Stores It seems the latter part of 2015 has brought some new traditions for Pakistanis when it comes to shopping, both online and in-store. The nascent e-commerce industry in Pakistan has seen a big boost this year. Long-time runners like Daraz have finally strengthened their

PTA Selects Audit Firm for Verification of BVS Verified SIMs

PTA Selects Audit Firm for Verification of BVS Verified SIMs Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has selected Secure Tech consultancy firm for third-party audit of mobile subscribers’ data, verified during the Biometric Verification System (BVS) drive, we have learned. Official sources revealed to ProPakistani that Secure Tech consultancy firm has been selected and their name has been

PTA Set to Auction WLL Licenses for AJK and GB on Dec 29th

PTA Set to Auction WLL Licenses for AJK and GB on Dec 29th Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has set the stage for spectrum auction of WLL (Wireless Local Loop) licenses for AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan on December 29, 2015 without any further delay. Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) and LinkDotNet Telecom Limited have qualified for the

PTCL Ruthlessly Bombards Customers with Forced Popup ADs

PTCL Ruthlessly Bombards Customers with Forced Popup ADs PTCL is once again bombarding its DSL and EVO customers with pop-up ads injected into the websites that they visit while using PTCL’s broadband services. PTCL users reported ProPakistani that they are left with no choice but to face brutal pop-ups causing huge frustration. And its not once in a

Social Media Sparks After Karachi University Expelled Student

Social Media Sparks After Karachi University Expelled Student     Karachi University had faced so much criticism on the entry of supermodel Ayyan Ali at an event and now the management of the university has expelled student for inviting her. After this news circulates widely on social media and mainstream media, people have reacted over

Internet Service to Remain Close in Karachi on Muharram

Internet Service to Remain Close in Karachi on Muharram To make the security arrangements fool proof in the biggest city of Pakistan, Interior Ministry has decided to close internet service in Karachi on 10th of Muharram, 24th October 2015. According to the reports of Pakistani television channels, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has issued directions to

Student arrested on Fake Facebook Profile in Karachi

Student arrested on Fake Facebook Profile in Karachi Karachi: Fake social media accounts and torturing through these accounts is rapidly increasing and Pakistani media has reported several such type of cases. But now Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has started taking serious actions on this crime. According to the report of popular English newspaper of Pakistan,