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19 Oct 2015
‘OK Google’ Voice Search on Chrome Axed

‘OK Google’ Voice Search on Chrome Axed Google has stripped its Chrome browser of the hands-free “OK Google” voice command. As noted by VentureBeat, Google got rid of the feature on the desktop because not many people were using it. The change does not affect Chrome on mobile orChromebooks. The “OK Google” voice command arrived
03 Oct 2015
Outlook on the Web Getting Likes, Mentions

Outlook on the Web Getting Likes, Mentions Microsoft is about to make email a little bit more like social media and hopefully cut down the number of messages in your inbox in the process. “We show our approval by ‘Liking’ a friend’s status update on Facebook and we ‘@Mention’ others in a Twitter post
11 Sep 2015
The only thing that’s changed about Apple’s advertising is nothing, thankfully

The only thing that’s changed about Apple’s advertising is nothing, thankfully One of my favorite parts of Apple events (besides Jony Ive’s voiceovers) is the ads. Apple has always made great ads; and while there is a clear distinction in the direction the company has gone post-Jobs, I think it’s starting to establish
31 Aug 2015
5 Ways the Galaxy Note 5 Is the Ultimate Travel Companion

5 Ways the Galaxy Note 5 Is the Ultimate Travel Companion Samsung’s Galaxy Note phones make for terrific travel companions. With their big screens, long battery life, and easy note-taking capabilities, they’re uniquely positioned to capture thoughts and deliver directions during long days on the road. The Galaxy Note 5 adds some new features
13 Jul 2015
Not everyone will get Windows 10 on July 29

Not everyone will get Windows 10 on July 29 With less than a month to go before the launch of its latest OS, Microsoft has announced that it will roll out Windows 10in phases, starting on its release date of July 29. That means that not every PC that’s eligible for an upgrade will
07 Jul 2015
Five ways to add SSD speed to your laptop without losing storage capacity

Five ways to add SSD speed to your laptop without losing storage capacity A flash RAM-based SSD gives your PC amazing speed, but it’s expensive by the gigabyte. An old-fashioned, spinning-platter hard drive gives you vast amounts of storage for very little money. But if you use both, and set them up intelligently, you
27 Jun 2015
Test Android M on Sony Xperia Devices

Test Android M on Sony Xperia Device The Android M Developer Preview is available now for Xperia handsets via Sony’s Open Device program. Google’s next-gen mobile operating system launched last month for developers with a Nexus 5, 6, 9, or Google Nexus player. Now those with Xperia devices can give it a spin. “With Google’s
23 Jun 2015
Samsung ‘Safety Truck’ Uses Rear Displays to Prevent Collisions

Samsung ‘Safety Truck’ Uses Rear Displays to Prevent Collisions Getting stuck behind a slow-moving truck on a one-lane road is never fun. You can’t see what’s ahead, you’re choking on fumes, and moving at a snail’s pace. You could pass the truck, but is there enough room? Samsung’s “Safety Truck” might be the solution.
20 Jun 2015
Huawei Is Building the Next Nexus Phone

Huawei Is Building the Next Nexus Phone While the Nexus projects were usually assigned to long-term, major partners of Google’s Android project, market environment has changed now with the arrival of new and successful Chinese companies who have snatched enormous market shares from established companies. In the light of such changing scenarios, Google has