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Apple OS X El Capitan Developer Preview

Apple OS X El Capitan Developer Preview   The real-world El Capitan has an almost vertical rock face that only the most expert climbers can conquer, but the operating-system El Capitan presents an almost-flat learning curve for anyone who already uses OS X. The only bumps on the trail are some new window-management features that

The 100 Best Android Apps of 2015

The 100 Best Android Apps of 2015   There’s a good chance that you, like me, are mid-contract on your phone right now. And with the major gift-giving holidays a long way off, the hope of a new device to spruce up your digital life is little more than a dream. But thankfully, some new

Line App Targets Users in Pakistan

Line App Targets Users in Pakistan   Instant messaging have tremendously increased within last few years due to increased used of internet. Previously people in Pakistan use yahoo messenger etc for instant chat over internet on pc or laptops. Now a days people more oftenly use Whatsapp, Viber and Skype etc. Line App is also among

Whatsapp Voice Call Feature Leaked Screenshots

Whatsapp Voice Call Feature Leaked Screenshots Whatsapp new feature of Voice call was about to release back 6 months ago but till today we see no signs of this features from official websites but as whatsapp have been used heavily over the world so this release will help it compete other android apps of market

New Android Malware Hijacks Phone Even When Its Off

New Android Malware Hijacks Phone Even When Its Off   AVG mobile security team recently discovered a malware that hijacks your phone when you are switching it off. This malware is known as Power Off Hijack Malware named after process of shutdown hijack. This malware functions during shutdown process and device remains functional even though it

23 Hidden Chrome Features That Will Make Your Life Easier

23 Hidden Chrome Features That Will Make Your Life Easier   Browsers have evolved far beyond their original mission of providing one-way windows into the world wide webosphere. Indeed, as more services migrate to the cloud, browsers only reinforce their new role as multi-function boxes of digital magic. All the important Internet things are available

Nvidia Shield Remote

Nvidia Shield Remote   Nvidia sees its microconsole as a gaming machine first and everything else second. The bundled Shield Wireless Controller is a perfectly functional gamepad, but if you just want a simple, small, light way to control the device, you need to spend a bit more. The Shield Remote is a $49.99 companion controller, and

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge review

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge review   The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is a striking handset, taking the title as the world’s first dual curved displays smartphone. It attracts the eye, puts butterflies in my stomach and makes me weak at the knees. Samsung has, at last, made a handset which not only packs a powerful

Hands On: A Google Cardboard Expedition to Mars

Hands On: A Google Cardboard Expedition to Mars   During the Google I/O 2015 keynote, the search giant announced that it would bring virtual reality into the classroom. Called Expeditions, the system uses Google’s low-cost Cardboard headsets. Not long after the keynote speech, I placed a Cardboard viewer to my face and was transported to

8 Dumb Tech Predictions From Smart People

8 Dumb Tech Predictions From Smart People   It’s a fact that even the smartest people on the planet say some pretty dumb things. Many times the dumb things they say seem smart at the time, but in the end, this is the Internet and nobody really gives a crap about context. So in that