Social Media Updates Archive

Google Voice Gets More Accurate Voicemail Transcriptions

Google Voice Gets More Accurate Voicemail Transcriptions   Good news, Google Voice users: Voicemail transcriptions are getting an upgrade. “You may have been there before,” Google Software Engineer Zander Danko wrote in a blog post. “Open your voicemail transcriptions in Google Voice to find that at times they aren’t completely intelligible. Or, they are humorously

Microsoft Launches Arabic Version of Office 2016 for Mac

Microsoft Launches Arabic Version of Office 2016 for Mac   Microsoft has announced the availability of the Arabic version of the recently released office 2016 for Mac to cater for its Arabic speaking customers. All new features of the software as well as its apps have been customised to help Arabic users especially in the

Apple Updates iOS 9 Public Beta, Welcomes Back Home Sharing

Apple Updates iOS 9 Public Beta, Welcomes Back Home Sharing   For those daring users who have been running Apple’s iOS 9 Public Beta on their iOS devices, a little bit of relief is arriving in the form of an update to iOS 9 Public Beta 2. Launched a few days ago, the beta update

How Long Will Microsoft Support Windows 10?

How Long Will Microsoft Support Windows 10?   Microsoft has updated its Windows Lifecycle page, which shows how long the company will support and update recent versions of the operating system. The lifecycle fact sheet now includesWindows 10, as well as XP Service Pack 3, Vista Service Pack 2, Windows 7 Service Pack 1, and

Twitter Takes Down Joke Stealers’ Tweets

Twitter Takes Down Joke Stealers’ Tweets   Why did the chicken cross the road? We’d tell you, but Twitter has withheld our punchline in response to a report from the copyright holder of the original joke. Scratching your head? We don’t blame you. However, if you pilfer a joke on Twitter, and the person who

A new Instagram quick edit screen means even Instagram knows filters are passé

A new Instagram quick edit screen means even Instagram knows filters are passé

BuzzFeed and iHeartRadio now vying for your eyeballs in Snapchat Discover

BuzzFeed and iHeartRadio now vying for your eyeballs in Snapchat Discover   Snapchat Discover quietly got an update today to add two news sources: Buzzfeed and iHeartRadio. BuzzFeed’s channel doesn’t contain the sort of lists you might have expected to see, and instead opts for short videos and images that are likely to be well

How to use design thinking in your next project

How to use design thinking in your next project   With more and more engineering-focused companies trying to become design-centric, they’re no doubt trying to adopt design thinking. But it’s not as simple as saying, “Just use design thinking.” Saying it does not make it so. What exactly is “Design Thinking”? Let’s take a step

Spotify is actively encouraging iOS users to stop paying for streaming via iTunes

Spotify is actively encouraging iOS users to stop paying for streaming via iTunes   Spotify, like most streaming music services, will cost you $9.99 per month. The company has long charged those who pay for its service via iTunes $12.99 monthly to offset Apple’s 30 percent cut of purchases. Now, Spotify is actively encouraging users

Mozilla has had enough of Flash’s security flaws, disables Firefox plugin

Mozilla has had enough of Flash’s security flaws, disables Firefox plugin   Mozilla has blocklisted all vulnerable versions of Adobe Flashin its Firefox browser, following the discovery of numerous critical security flaws in the platform. Mark Schmidt, head of Firefox Support, took to Twitter to announce the change.   The news comes just a day after