Social Media Updates Archive

Sindh to Collect Traffic Violation Tickets through Easypaisa

Sindh to Collect Traffic Violation Tickets through Easypaisa Easypaisa has entered into an agreement with A2Z payments, the e-payments service provider for issuance, for verification and payments of traffic rules violations tickets (challans) across Sindh, after which individuals in Sindh will be able to pay their traffic violation tickets through Easypaisa. With more than 8,000

Government Increases Taxes On Car Imports, Local Manufacturers Maintain their Monopoly

Government Increases Taxes On Car Imports, Local Manufacturers Maintain their Monopoly   According to revised tax rates, announced this week in a mini-budget, used imported cars and car parts will be taxed at a whole 10 percent higher from now on for all cars with an engine capacity of 1000-1299cc range or higher than that.

Adobe Is Finally Ready To Say Goodbye To Flash

Adobe Is Finally Ready To Say Goodbye To Flash   After a very long time, Adobe has finally decided to abandon Flash. During an announcement that took place last night, the company stated that since there were better alternatives available for users besides Flash, it was going to be encourage content creators to build experiences

Terminal Dues: The Challenge Of Cross Border Trade and Ecommerce In Pakistan

Terminal Dues: The Challenge Of Cross Border Trade and Ecommerce In Pakistan I have often wondered why, despite ecommerce stores like Amazon managing to ship books into Pakistan since 2,000 and earlier, Pakistanis are never shipped millions of items like electronics, clothing, fashion accessories and other items as well. People usually have to resort to

PTI Broadcasts 1st LIVE Video on Facebook in Pakistan

PTI Broadcasts 1st LIVE Video on Facebook in Pakistan According to the latest stats provided by Facebook, there are 23 million active users in Pakistan out of which 75% are from 18 to 25 years in age, making the platform one of the most populous places on internet to broadcast live coverage. Just two days ago, PTI’s

LinkedIn Rolls Out New Redesigned App with UI Improvements

LinkedIn Rolls Out New Redesigned App with UI Improvements Professional social network LinkedIn has re-launched its application for both the Android and iOS platforms with a brand new design, along with several performance improvements. This update is meant for those who spend more time on their mobile devices rather than their desktop computers. The Latest

Yahoo to consider selling itself off before it collapses

Yahoo to consider selling itself off before it collapses The Wall Street Journal reports that Yahoo’s board plans to discuss selling off the company’s core business as well as its stake in Chinese internet giantAlibaba. It’s about time: the company’s stock price has steadily fallen by more than 30 percent this year, owing to poor

Spotify trumps Pandora as the world’s favorite music service, but Apple is nowhere to be seen

Spotify trumps Pandora as the world’s favorite music service, but Apple is nowhere to be seen In an increasingly crowded space, and with the noted absence of Taylor and Adele, Spotify has been named the global leader in music streaming across both iOS and Android. It knocked Pandora off the top spot among Apple users as

Black Friday Broke All Previous Online Shopping Records for Pakistan

Black Friday Broke All Previous Online Shopping Records for Pakistan I am going to call it a massive hit. Daraz — and other online shopping stores — broke all previous sale records, with Daraz standing out as a clear winner during the entire event for more sales than anyone lese. Before we get into statistical details for Black Friday, I am

PIF Launches National Innovation Awards to Celebrate Pakistani Innovative Spirit

PIF Launches National Innovation Awards to Celebrate Pakistani Innovative Spirit Pakistan Innovation Foundation (PIF) today launched Pakistan’s First National Innovation Awards to recognize and honor Pakistan’s leading innovators – both individuals and institutions/companies – that have remarkable achievements. The National Innovation Awards will be given at the Pakistan Innovation Forum 2015 – a regular future