Social Media Updates Archive

Easypaisa Sehat Sahara Insures 100,000 Subscribers

Easypaisa Sehat Sahara Insures 100,000 Subscribers In less than a year since its launch, Pakistan’s first mass market-health insurance ‘Easypaisa Sehat Sahara’ has gained more than 100,000 subscribers and is opening up new avenues for easy and affordable access to quality healthcare amongst the masses. Launched in January 2015, in partnership with MicroEnsure, ‘Easypaisa Sehat

PTA Revises Schedule for Spectrum Auction in AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan

PTA Revises Schedule for Spectrum Auction in AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has revised the schedule for spectrum auction of WLL (Wireless Local Loop) licenses for AJK and Gilgit Baltistan. The auction would now be held on December 29, 2015. PTA had earlier asked the operators to submit their applications with processing fee

Pakistan Slips 5 Points to 143rd Position in ITU’s ICT Development Index

Pakistan Slips 5 Points to 143rd Position in ITU’s ICT Development Index Pakistan has dropped on the Information and Telecommunication Union (ITU) ranking for ICT Development Index from 138th position in 2010 to 143rd position in 2015 amongst the 167 nations, said a recently published report titled “Measuring the Information Society Report for 2015”. According to

Breaking: After Hamid Mir, Multiple Geo Twitter Accounts Get Hacked

Breaking: After Hamid Mir, Multiple Geo Twitter Accounts Get Hacked Adding insult to injury, three further accounts related to Geo TV have been hacked by the very same hacker, who is now going by the name of ‘MickyLeakz’. Twitter accounts for Geo News English, Geo News Urdu and Rana Jawad (Director for News for Geo),

MoIT Starts Final Work On IT Policy Framework

MoIT Starts Final Work On IT Policy Framework   The Ministry of Information Technology has formally started consultative process on IT Policy frame-work in order to get inputs from all stakeholders. In this regard consultative meeting was held between Ministry and Academia herein Islamabad in the chair with State Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication

Google is Aiming For 100 Percent Green Energy By 2025

Google is Aiming For 100 Percent Green Energy By 2025 While aiming to produce clean energy is extremely commendable for companies looking out for the environment, it is by no means an easy task. For Google, an ambitious aim has been set for the firm to become a 100 percent green energy company by the

There are two apps called ‘Yo!’ and another called ‘Yo’ – that’s just silly

There are two apps called ‘Yo!’ and another called ‘Yo’ – that’s just silly Remember Yo? Launched in the summer of 2014, it simply sent a ‘Yo!’ push notification to a friend of your choice. And yet, thanks to raising $1 million before it went live, it became talk of the town (and maybe also

Pakistani Publishers Get Tired of Vulgar Adsense Ads

Pakistani Publishers Get Tired of Vulgar Adsense Ads I have been using Adsense — Google’s display ads — on ProPakistani for over a decade and my experience, with few exceptions, has been okay. Lately, however, we have been bombarded with some indecent sexual health related ads causing embarrassment for us and disturbance among our readers. As you might

PTA Wins Telecom Football League 2015

PTA Wins Telecom Football League 2015 Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) football team has won the second Telecom Football League (TFL 2.0), beating the defending champions ‘Telenor’ on penalties by 1-1 (6-5) in the final played at the Mehran Football Ground, Islamabad. TFL 2.0 showcased the sporting talent of professionals from ten teams of Telecom and

Zong to Get Alternate Spectrum for its 3G Services by Month End

Zong to Get Alternate Spectrum for its 3G Services by Month End Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and Zong have reached an agreement that will resolve Zong’s long-pending spectrum issues it was facing due to distortion caused by cord-less phones in its 3G spectrum, we have checked with sources. According to details we have received, Zong will be allotted