Phones Archive

7 Best GPS Navigation Apps for Windows Phone

7 Best GPS Navigation Apps for Windows Phone As windows phone is gradually making a mark in Smartphone market Worldwide, having several genre of productive apps for its users. Hence, if you are windows phone user presently there are several creatively hatched GPS apps have been floated recently. These apps will assist windows phone admirers

Samsung Tips Wireless Charging for Galaxy S6

Samsung Tips Wireless Charging for Galaxy S6 Samsung has been dropping hints about its next-generation flagship smartphone, and the latest clue suggests the Galaxy S6 will support wireless charging. In a Tuesday blog post, Samsung’s lead engineer for IT and mobile, Seho Park, discussed making wireless charging an industry standard. “It is expected that 2015

Samsung Tips Wireless Charging for Galaxy S6

Samsung Tips Wireless Charging for Galaxy S6 Samsung has been dropping hints about its next-generation flagship smartphone, and the latest clue suggests the Galaxy S6 will support wireless charging. In a Tuesday blog post, Samsung’s lead engineer for IT and mobile, Seho Park, discussed making wireless charging an industry standard. “It is expected that 2015

Android Lollipop Crashes Less Than iOS 8

Android Lollipop Crashes Less Than iOS 8 Stick a feather in your cap, Android users. The next time your friends pull out their shiny new iPhones and show off its pretty iOS platform, you can whip out a new report from Crittercism, which indicates application crashes on Android 5.0 Lollipop are a fraction of a

Explore Venues in 3D Via Nokia HERE for Android

Nokia’s HERE mapping service is dropping its beta tags on Android and pulling on its big-boy pants. Now with improved routing, interactivity, 3D venue maps, and a visual polish, the updated application is available todownload for free in the Google Play store. “Most of the refinements you’ll find in the new version come from user

Visa to Detect Fraud Via Location-Tracking Phone Apps

Visa to Detect Fraud Via Location-Tracking Phone Apps Today’s banks and credit card providers have a number of sophisticated methods to detect fraud, but Visa has a new approach that will match your purchases to your phone’s location. MasterCard, meanwhile, announced plans to authenticate users via facial and voice recognition and fingerprint matching. Starting in

How Activate 3G on Mobilink Just follow simple steps

How 3G activate On Mobilink Sim follow simple steps 3G Activation To activate  service on your Prepaid SIM, please dial *443*3# or send SUB on 7003, without any charges. Postpaid subscribers can dial *446# and select 3G package for activation. To enable 3G, select any of the following in the “Network Settings” or “Mobile Networks”

Threat Report: Mild-Mannered Android Trojan Seeks to Avoid Notice

Android Trojan Seeks to Avoid Notice One warning sign that the Android app you’re installing might be a Trojan is that it demands far more permissions than would be required to perform its stated task. That flashlight app that wants to access your contacts list is a prime example. But not every Android Trojan has

10 Must-Have iPad Apps

10 Must-Have iPad Apps Ah, the Apple iPad, the tablet of tablets. The full-size iPad and its iPad mini cousin boast the best app library in the tablet space. In fact, there are so many worthwhile apps for Apple’s slate that I’ve detailed my many favorites in the frequently updated 100 Best iPad Apps. You

Setting Up the Mobile CPU Battle of 2016

Setting Up the Mobile CPU Battle of 2016 When earlier this week ARM introduced its new CPU and graphics cores, as well as a new interconnect to connect these together and to memory, it did more than just present the next step in its popular cores that get used in mobile application processors. ARM also