12 Dec 2015
Top Affordable Web Hosting Companies in Pakistan
Top Affordable Web Hosting Companies in Pakistan It is the end of the 2015 and we are preparing for new year and performance of a year is calculated in last month of every year. Today I’m here with a list of Best Web hosting companies of Pakistan. Pakistani bloggers face many issues when they transform their
11 Dec 2015
Google will route users to Accelerated Mobile Pages starting February 2016
Google will route users to Accelerated Mobile Pages starting February 2016 Google announced today that it will begin routing traffic to Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) by late February 2016. The company previously revealed plans to do so at some point next year, but hadn’t specified when that might be. The AMP project aims to deliver
11 Dec 2015
Tumblr now lets you send posts as messages, and supports Live Photos on iOS
Tumblr now lets you send posts as messages, and supports Live Photos on iOS Today’s Tumblr update brings one officially cool feature, and another that went under the radar. You can now send any Tumbler post as a message, piggybacking nicely on the platform’s new in-app chat feature, which also launches broadly today. To send a
11 Dec 2015
Google launches new Christmas games and lets you build your own
Google launches new Christmas games and lets you build your own Developers from Google’s Fun Propulsion Labs (yes, that’s what it’s called), have unveiled open-source Christmas versions of the Android games Pie Noon and Zooshi. Both are simple games that appeal to all ages, letting you pelt friends with pies or feed well-dressed animals. The
11 Dec 2015
Google now lets you save image search results to your account
Google now lets you save image search results to your account If you find yourself using Google Image Search frequently and would like a way to quickly save your results while on mobile, then Christmas just came early for you. Google Chrome (or Safari) on mobiles now lets you do exactly this – tapping a
11 Dec 2015
PIF Announces National Innovation Awards at Pakistan Innovation Forum 2015
PIF Announces National Innovation Awards at Pakistan Innovation Forum 2015 Pakistan Innovation Foundation (PIF) yesterday announced Pakistan’s First National Innovation Awards at its second annual Pakistan Innovation Forum 2015. The Conference, titled MAKE IN PAKISTAN, sought to showcase and promote individuals and institutions who had built something from scratch in Pakistan. The Conference also organized
11 Dec 2015
Ufone & Indus Hospital Collaborate for Blood Donation
Ufone & Indus Hospital Collaborate for Blood Donation Ufone in collaboration with the Indus Hospital held a blood donation drive at its regional office and call centre located in Karachi to spread awareness and promote voluntary blood donation culture in Pakistan. The blood donation drive was led by members of Ufone Volunteer Group (UVG). Under
11 Dec 2015
Mobile Networks Go Offline in Islamabad / Rawalpindi
Mobile Networks Go Offline in Islamabad / Rawalpindi Mobile networks in majority of Islamabad and some parts of Rawalpindi went offline at around 12PM, without any prior information or knowledge to consumers, we have checked. Mobile phone companies aren’t saying anything while communication with PTA wasn’t established as mobile phone networks are down. A source, however, in
11 Dec 2015
Samsung Is Getting Into The Smart Cars Race Too
Samsung Is Getting Into The Smart Cars Race Too Samsung’s Plans to Enter the Smart Car Business According to the company, Samsung will be assembling a team comprising of the best automobile engineers, producing next-generation auto parts for carrying out functions such as in-car entertainment, satellite navigation and autonomous driving technologies, in order to capture
11 Dec 2015
ECC Finally Approves First Draft of Telecom Policy 2015
ECC Finally Approves First Draft of Telecom Policy 2015 The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) on Friday approved Telecom Policy 2015. The previous five years’ policy was formulated in 2003 and was due to be reviewed in 2008. However, due to lack of interest from the previous government, the telecom policy went into the background. The