04 Mar 2016
Apple Finally Comes To Twitter with General News and Tips Support
Apple Finally Comes To Twitter with General News and Tips Support Twitter, the microblogging service that’s popular for news and brands, has been around since 2006. On March 3 2016, the world’s most well-known tech company Apple finally made its presence to the social network as well. The general idea behind Apple’s Twitter presence is
03 Mar 2016
Slack Enables Voice Call on Chrome and Desktop
Slack Enables Voice Call on Chrome and Desktop Slack is a team communication service that has made waves across the industry. You no longer need to make groups on Skype or go crazy finding for that one portable communication solution. Slack has made everything much easier. You simply add members to chat rooms or your
03 Mar 2016
Coca Cola Launches its MENA Scholarship Programme in Pakistan
Coca Cola Launches its MENA Scholarship Programme in Pakistan The Coca-Cola Company has partnered with the US State Department to sponsor 100 university students from the Middle East, North Africa and Near Asia (MENA) region for a fully funded summer entrepreneurship programme. The scholarship is based on a “Make Tomorrow Better” competition where applicants will
02 Mar 2016
Govt Reduces ICT R&D Fund Scholarships
Govt Reduces ICT R&D Fund Scholarships In a bid to help National ICT R&D Fund to balance out its funding, the number of Prime Minister’s National ICT R&D scholarship program (PMNICTSP) has decreased to 165 from 500. However, the move would deprive many talented youth of the opportunities to polish their skills and in curbing
01 Mar 2016
Add up to 128GB storage to your iOS device with the iKlips flash drive
Add up to 128GB storage to your iOS device with the iKlips flash drive The wonders of modern tech advancement still carry a few pitfalls – namely, frustrating physical-space limitations on our phones and tablets. Sure, the cloud helps, but there’s often no substitute for physical media. Now you can expand the capacity of your
01 Mar 2016
Major emoji changes will allow you to change hair color and gender
Major emoji changes will allow you to change hair color and gender A proposed change to the Unicode standard this week plans to introduce emoji customization, so that you’re able to change the hair color or gender of an emoji. UTS 52 is a change that would allow for major emoji customization for the first
01 Mar 2016
Gmail’s new security features just might save you from getting fired one day
Gmail’s new security features just might save you from getting fired one day Google Apps for Work Unlimited customers can now benefit from better attachment scanning in Gmail that uses optical character recognition to check before sensitive document copies or images are sent out of your company via email. Google’s Data Loss Prevention (DLP) launched
01 Mar 2016
Snapchat’s Live Stories are a bid to push beyond ‘millennials’ but it has little to offer
Snapchat’s Live Stories are a bid to push beyond ‘millennials’ but it has little to offer Snapchat is a hugely popular, ephemeral photo-sharing service and ‘the kids’love it. Seriously, they’re crazy for that stuff – stickers, filters and a whole range of stupid effects to make your boring face and boring life less boring. You
01 Mar 2016
Why Smart TVs Are A Smart Choice for T20 Asia Cup
Why Smart TVs Are A Smart Choice for T20 Asia Cup The T20 Asia Cup is here and Daraz is having a Cricket Mania sale event on all TVs. If you’re looking for good deals on Smart TVs this cricket season, then read on. Smart TVs What is so smart about these Smart TVs? These
29 Feb 2016
ShadiBox Is A Startup That Makes Weddings Less of a Hassle
ShadiBox Is A Startup That Makes Weddings Less of a Hassle Planning a wedding for yourself or for a loved one seems like an exciting experience but in truth, it can be exhausting and hectic. From finding for the perfect tailor to the reliable caterer; it is a frustrating, time-wasting, budget-tightening experience for many. You