Twitter Moments now has embedded links that support AMP mobile pages
Twitter Moments now has embedded links that support AMP mobile pages
Twitter Moments now have embedded links, so users can get more out of newsworthy snippets.
Embedded links take you to an article or blog post, and users can navigate back to Moments at any time. You’ll also be taken back to the Moment you left off at.
When available, Moments links will also show the AMP page. That will help pages load faster, and is a clever fit for Twitter’s speed-of-light missive for information gathering.
The move also makes Moments more attractive to publishers, but should find favor with users as well. Rather than a static stream of images and hot-takes, Moments can now serve as a powerful tool for surfacing and discovering content.
Of course, it’s also an advertising medium for Twitter, and is extending its worldwide reach.
The new embedded links feature is available today via an update for both iOS and Android.
➤ Explore Links in Moments [Twitter]