You can now share PowerPoint presentations as photo albums and videos on social networks

You can now share PowerPoint presentations as photo albums and videos on social networks


Microsoft has released Social Share, a free plug-in for PowerPoint that lets you share your slides to Facebook and Twitter as images or video.

The tool lets you share individual slides as images and your entire presentation as a photo album.

If you like, you can package your entire deck as a video. This keeps your transitions and other animations intact.

The plug-in also adds a pane to PowerPoint, where you can see comments people leave on your shared presentations without leaving the app.

The new Social Activity pane lets you view comments on your shared presentations right within PowerPoint
The new Social Activity pane lets you view comments on your shared presentations right within PowerPoint

In addition, Social Share automatically uploads your presentation to OneDrive so you can share a link to download the file.

Vidyaraman Sankaranarayanan, a senior program manager on the Wildfire team that built the tool notes:

If you’re in a conference, you could post your PowerPoint to Twitter and present to an audience and then you could look up the comments in the social activity pane and address them during the Q&A part of the session.

Social Share is the latest product to come out of Microsoft Garage, the company’s program for inventive employees to launch experimental projects.

It has previously released Arrow, an Android launcher, a lock screen replacement app as well as Home Team, a Windows Phone service to recommend maintenance professionals to your contacts.