BuzzFeed and iHeartRadio now vying for your eyeballs in Snapchat Discover

BuzzFeed and iHeartRadio now vying for your eyeballs in Snapchat Discover



Snapchat Discover quietly got an update today to add two news sources: Buzzfeed and iHeartRadio.

BuzzFeed’s channel doesn’t contain the sort of lists you might have expected to see, and instead opts for short videos and images that are likely to be well shared within the app.

Buzzfeed’s new Snapchat channel

Recode said last week that Snapchat planned to drop both Warner Music and the Food Network, though the latter still appears today. It’s also expected that Vox will appear in the future.

Snapchat Discover has received a lukewarm reception from users. Teens don’t seem to like it and most users have only opened Discover once or twice. Snapchat hasn’t released official numbers on Discover’s performance yet.