Viber now lets you remotely delete messages you’ve sent by mistake

Viber now lets you remotely delete messages you’ve sent by mistake



How many times have you sent a message to someone and immediately regretted it? Whether it’s in the heat of an argument or just an embarrassing typo, Viber‘s latest update will make it all okay.

The messaging service is now letting you delete messages on the recipient’s phone after you’ve sent them, whether the person has seen it or not.


I’m surprised more messaging services haven’t made this possible by now. It seems like a logical thing to be able to do in an age where we’ve become accustomed to sharing sensitive information using our phones, often without considering the consequences.

It could certainly be one way of combating revenge porn.

And in a less sexy, more practical, setting, it means that if you need to send someone your bank details or credit card number, you can remotely delete the message after they’re done with it.