Windows 10 Anniversary Update lets you mirror Android notifications on your PC

Windows 10 Anniversary Update lets you mirror Android notifications on your PC


The Windows 10 Anniversary Update, announced during day one of Microsoft Build, will bring about another new feature that should get Android users excited — the ability to mirror notifications on your PC.

The update already brings some highly-anticipated features, such as an entire Linux subsystem (complete with Unix’s Bash shell), easy porting of older Win32 and .NET applications to the Windows App Store and better integration between devices — a change that would see PC, mobile device, Xbox One, HoloLens and IoT customers essentially running the same operating system, the Universal Windows Platform (UWP).

You’ll also be able to get mobile notifications from your Android device on-screen, using a PC.

While it pales in comparison to some of the bigger announcements, one of the benefits of the Mac ecosystem has always been ‘Messages’ — a cross-device messaging platform that allows you to send and receive messages from a laptop, tablet or mobile phone.

This inclusion means users can truly rely on one device rather than switching back and forth between a cellphone or tablet while working on a laptop, a big win for Windows fans and one that Android/Windows users have been waiting for.

The Windows Anniversary Update is expected to drop this summer.

The Windows 10 Anniversary Update can mirror Android notifications on Ars Technica

Sarmad Gardezi

Sarmad Gardezi

Web Cordinator / Blogger at Moon Creations
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Sarmad Gardezi
Sarmad Gardezi
Sarmad Gardezi