Twitter’s new ‘Personas’ let brands easily target millenials, baby boomers and more

Twitter’s new ‘Personas’ let brands easily target millenials, baby boomers and more

Twitter unveiled Audience Insights back in May to help brands get a better grasp of the people they reach on the platform. Now the company is upgrading Insights with new demographic data, buying behavior and more.

First up, Twitter is introducing something they call ‘personas,’ which are basically quick ways to categorize audiences based on similar attributes. Some of these include ‘millenials,’ ‘baby boomers,’ and ‘business decision-makers.’


Brands can then quickly target them in a campaign with just one click, though they can refine the audience within each persona. For example, a brand could choose to only targetSeniors that use iOS.

Another update to the dashboard now lets you directly access information such who has visited your website, and who have installed, purchased or signed-up for particular apps. Twitter has been collecting that information for a while, but now it’s available to decipher straight from the Insights dashboard.

Personas are currently only available in the US, but Twitter says its looking to roll them out to other places. To try out the new features, just head to and click on ‘Audience insights’ from the Analytics menu. Alternatively, click on Followers on