Twitter Fabric now has ‘Velocity Alerts’ so developers see issues before they’re trouble
Twitter Fabric now has ‘Velocity Alerts’ so developers see issues before they’re trouble
Twitter wants to help developers fix issues quickly and easily, which is whyFabric now has a proactive issue reporting feature named Velocity Alerts.
By using app crash data found in Crashlytics and usage statistics from Answers, Velocity Alerts lets you know early on what unexpected issues might be popping up. The system proactively searches each build, and can tell you if your issue is likely to balloon into something bigger.
If an issue is seen as something a lot of users will run into — thus creating headaches and one-star reviews — Velocity Alerts pushes a notification to your Fabric dashboard, email and the Fabric mobile app.

Velocity Alerts also look different than normal Fabric emails; a giant red background lets you know the system sees this as critical, and you’ll need to take a look immediately. On your dashboard, Velocity Alerts have a small red dial signaling the problem may be reaching critical mass.
The feature is built into Answers, and is immediately available for desktop. Velocity Alerts will also be available in the iOS Fabric app via an update, and should be available for Android sometime early next week.