Windows Archive
07 Mar 2015
Facebook and release the 2014 State of Global Connectivity report
Facebook and release the 2014 State of Global Connectivity report is Facebook’s push to offer internet access globally especially to developing nations. Today, it released its 2014 State of Connectivity. The report shows that only 37.9 percent of the global population use the internet at least once a year. The largest percentage of
07 Mar 2015
5 ways to tackle the complexity of your next big project
5 ways to tackle the complexity of your next big project Large, complex organizations often suffer from a major challenge — their product development feels like a big black box. When you’re launching an MVP at a 5-person startup, it’s relatively easy to track the progress of the product and get your team in the
07 Mar 2015
Microsoft discontinues Facebook, Google chat in
Microsoft discontinues Facebook, Google chat in Today, in an email to customers, Microsoft announced that it will be discontinuing support for Facebook Chat and Google Chat on the service. The company blames the Google Chat removal on Google changing its chat protocol but doesn’t mention why it’s removing Facebook support. Going forward, the
07 Mar 2015
Hands-on: Office for Mac 2016 finally makes OS X users first-class citizens
Hands-on: Office for Mac 2016 finally makes OS X users first-class citizens e of the main questions you’ll get if you ever coerce someone to migrate from a PC to a Mac is “does it run Microsoft Office?” For as long as anyone can remember, that’s been hard to answer with a straight face. Office for
07 Mar 2015
Windows 93 is what would have happened if Bill Gates had dropped acid
Windows 93 is what would have happened if Bill Gates had dropped acid In the early 90s you either had Windows 3.1 (it sucked) or the Mac (it sucked a bit less). Then Windows 95 appeared and for a long time, it ruled the nerd school. But imagine a magical world where Bill Gates