Windows Guides Archive
10 Jul 2015
Facebook Finally Allows More Control Over Your News Feed

Facebook Finally Allows More Control Over Your News Feed Have an annoying Facebook friend whose constant status updates are constantly inundating your news feed? Well things surely became a bit easier for you with Facebook’s new and enhanced News Feed Preferences menu. You get a list of options upon clicking it. You’ll be able
09 Jul 2015
Two tools that help you stop over-using words in your documents

Two tools that help you stop over-using words in your documents I go through phases with my writing. Sometimes I feel like every second sent ence needs to start with “but,” then I start using “however,” which becomes “nevertheless,” and on and on it goes until the bad habit stops. For times like those, it’s
09 Jul 2015
For Microsoft, the only way out of its big Windows Phone mess is to follow Apple

For Microsoft, the only way out of its big Windows Phone mess is to follow Apple A few well-regarded flagship devices, a focused core experience, a vibrant app ecosystem, and a belief in the quality of its own products: Apple lives and breathes these things, and has achieved massive profitability in the phone space
08 Jul 2015
Firefox for Windows 10 planned as Mozilla ramps up browser’s release pace

Firefox for Windows 10 planned as Mozilla ramps up browser’s release pace Mozilla will accelerate the release of new features for its Firefox browser, dumping its current 18-week development schedule for something nimbler, a company manager told contributors last week. The firm will also deliver a browser for Windows 10, a reversal of a
06 Jul 2015
Microsoft Windows 10 Build 10158: Almost ready for prime time

Microsoft Windows 10 Build 10158: Almost ready for prime time Microsoft released Windows 10 Insider Preview build 10158 on June 29, 2015 – exactly one month before the scheduled release of the final version on July 29. We took the newest version for a spin on an updated a Dell Venue 8 Pro tablet
06 Jul 2015
Windows 10’s new WiFi Sense shares your WiFi password with Facebook, Outlook, and Skype contacts

Windows 10’s new WiFi Sense shares your WiFi password with Facebook, Outlook, and Skype contacts option, brought over from Windows Phone 8.1, is called WiFi Sense, but it’s debut on the desktop could be controversial given what the feature does. WiFi Sense will automatically connect you to detected crowdsourced WiFi networks, acquire network information
27 Jun 2015
10 Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Windows 10

10 Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Windows 10 Windows 10, by all appearances, seems poised for mass adoption, after a lackluster reception for Windows 8. This alternation of popular and unpopular is sort of a pattern for Microsoft operating systems: Vista tanked while Windows 7 killed, for example. Considering Windows
17 Jun 2015
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Update

Microsoft Windows 8.1 Update It’s hard to believe that it’s been less than a year and half since Windows 8’s initial release in October 2012, and we’ve already gotten a third revision. But, as the lack of a new version number or even point number indicates, Windows 8.1 Update is hardly a completely revamped
03 Jun 2015
6 Features Disappearing in Windows 10 (and How to Replace Them)

6 Features Disappearing in Windows 10 (and How to Replace Them) When it comes to fragmentation, Windows and Android are engaged in an epic battle to see which ecosystem is themost chaotic. While Android is making a run for the crown, for my money, Windows remains the undisputed champion of OS disorder. And
01 Jun 2015
Microsoft Introduced Windows 10, Skipped 9

Microsoft Introduced Windows 10, Skipped 9 You were expecting Windows 9 after windows 8.1 but you would be surprised to know that Microsoft have decided to skip number 9 means Windows 9. They are directly releasing Windows 10 instead of releasing Windows 9 after Windows 8.1. According to Terry Myerson, VP of Microsoft Operating