Tips & Tricks Archive

The Futility of the Strong Password Solution

The Futility of the Strong Password Solution   Considering the user rebellion against Twitch’s stronger-password requirements, it appears likely that many also rejected the company’s advice to change their identical or similar passwords on other sites. That could put them at serious risk. “If hackers capture an email and associated password, they can use that

Proposed Amendments to US Cybersecurity Laws Under Scrutiny

Proposed Amendments to US Cybersecurity Laws Under Scrutiny   “We may not know if a system is safe, even if it’s tested; hackers can always find an unexpected flaw. But we sure will know that our systems aren’t safe if they’re not tested, or if testing is prevented,” noted Richard Blech, CEO of Secure Channels.

This website shows you everything that’s streaming on Periscope right now

This website shows you everything that’s streaming on Periscope right now Twitter’s new live-streaming app, Periscope, launched less than a week ago but it’s still a little tricky to discover feeds on the service right now. A new third-party website, Periscope Streams, makes it easy to get an overview of everything that’s streaming on Periscope

President Obama’s new Executive Order authorizes targeted sanctions against foreign cybersecurity threats

President Obama’s new Executive Order authorizes targeted sanctions against foreign cybersecurity threats Re ent cyberattacks, the Sony Pictures one in particular, have catalyzed a renewed look at how governments and companies deal with hacking, especially from foreign countries. In light of this, President Obama has today signed an Executive Order which authorizes targeted sanctions against

Microsoft releases a new build of Windows 10, without its new browser

Microsoft releases a new build of Windows 10, without its new browser   Microsoft has delivered a new preview build of Windows 10 to testers today. Unfortunately, while the build includes a number of minor interface tweaks and fixes it doesn’t include the company’shighly anticipated new browser just yet. Improvements include better virtual desktops, Cortana

Microsoft releases developer tools for building Windows 10 universal apps

Microsoft releases developer tools for building Windows 10 universal apps crosoft has today made available a set of tools that allow developers to get started building apps for the Windows 10 Universal App platform. The company has made available the tools, alongside sample code for universal apps. This means developers can start building apps that

WhatsApp for Android now allows all users to make voice calls, iOS coming soon

WhatsApp for Android now allows all users to make voice calls, iOS coming soon   If you’ve been wondering when, oh when, someone will ring you via WhatsApp so you’ll get its new voice calling feature, you won’t have to sit by the phone any longer. Updating to WhatsApp version 2.12.5 via Google Play does

Microsoft Still Thinking About Android Apps On Windows

Microsoft Still Thinking About Android Apps On Windows There are some things that just don’t go away. Whispers that Microsoft might allow the possibility of running Androidapps on Windows, natively, have been going on for more than a year now. And yet, the company is yet to confirm or deny this strategy. But there are

Review: 7 excellent mobile app builders

Review: 7 excellent mobile app builders Credit: Shutterstock Alpha Anywhere, AnyPresence, and Salesforce1 lead a rich field of low-code mobile development tools Over the last six months, I’ve been examining and testing a variety of mobile app builders and mobile back ends. In some cases, the app builders and back ends were part of a

Java: The once and future king of Internet programming

Java: The once and future king of Internet programming Built for embedded computing and streamlined for real-time, here’s why Java is the language of IoT What is Java to you? A programming language you learned in college? The lingua franca of corporate IT? Would you believe that Java is poised to dominate the next explosion