Social Media Updates Archive
19 Nov 2015
Samsung’s Note 5 now comes with a warning about inserting the S Pen backwards

Samsung’s Note 5 now comes with a warning about inserting the S Pen backwards Remember Pen Gate? If you’re not familiar, the whole tech-o-sphere (including yours truly) made an uproar a few months ago over a design flaw in the Galaxy Note 5: if you insert the S-Pen backwards, you’ll permanently damage the ability for the phone to recognize when
17 Nov 2015
INet Conference Inaugurated in Islamabad

INet Conference Inaugurated in Islamabad Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) in collaboration with The Internet Society – Asia Pacific (ISOC-APAC) is holding three days INET Islamabad – Pakistan’s first-ever conference on the Digital Economy and the role the Internet can play in sustainable development. The inauguration ceremony was held at a local hotel today. The three-day conference
17 Nov 2015
Facebook’s Instant Articles arrive in India for Android users

Facebook’s Instant Articles arrive in India for Android users Facebook is bringing Instant Articles to its Android app in India today, where the social network counts 130 million users. Launched in May, the feature brings richly formatted stories along with zoomable images and auto-playing videos to your News Feed and loads them quicker than traditional
17 Nov 2015
You can now search Google for Facebook profiles and posts on Android

You can now search Google for Facebook profiles and posts on Android n you use Google search on your Android device, you should now see results that link you to content within Facebook, including public profiles, pages and posts. Each result will lead you directly to the content in Facebook’s app rather than a
30 Oct 2015
Google Keep for Android now lets you draw notes and view them on your home screen

Google Keep for Android now lets you draw notes and view them on your home screen I’d been a die-hard Evernote user since 2009, but over the past few months I’ve taken a liking to Google Keep. It’s not nearly as powerful and can’t do cool stuff like store attachments and search text within PDFs,
30 Oct 2015
Twitter’s #helloworld developer campaign sparks bi-weekly office hours via Periscope

Twitter’s #helloworld developer campaign sparks bi-weekly office hours via Periscope At Twitter Flight, CEO Jack Dorsey asked developers to tweet out their requests using the hashtag ‘#helloworld.’ Not surprisingly, the company got a ton of feedback. But what do developers want from Twitter? Probably the same as users. Twitter saw a lot of requests for
30 Oct 2015
Snapchat’s new terms let it store and reuse your photos, but they aren’t scary

Snapchat’s new terms let it store and reuse your photos, but they aren’t scary Snapchat updated its terms of service for its app this week with a number of significant changes, but you probably just clicked ‘accept’ to keep using it, right? The new terms of service have a number of interesting new sections, but
28 Oct 2015
Facebook is testing live sports updates in Messenger

Facebook is testing live sports updates in Messenger It looks like Facebook wants to get in on the real-time updates game just like Twitter. The company is letting some Messenger users subscribe to MLB World Series news, scores and highlights right within a one-on-one chat. Brandon Painter, who spotted the new feature, told us that
26 Oct 2015
How Twitter is turning 300 million users into one billion views

How Twitter is turning 300 million users into one billion views It happens almost every quarter: Twitter announces its earnings, and the blogosphere lights it ablaze for not adding (or adding enough) new users. The company is focused on growth, but its latest strategy has nothing to do with users. One billion While we’ve been
22 Oct 2015
Twitter has made it easier to embed real-time social content on a Website

Twitter has made it easier to embed real-time social content on a Website Twitter’s various publishing efforts are now centered around a website. A new Publish website will make it much easier to add Twitter content to your Website or app, and leaves the curation up to tools you’re probably already using. With a new