Social Media Updates Archive

Online Registration & Issuance of Passports to Start From April Next Year

Online Registration & Issuance of Passports to Start From April Next Year The National Assembly of Pakistan has been informed that an online registration and issuance service for machine readable passports will begin start from April 2016. This information was revealed by Interior Minister Chaudhary Nisar on Monday while addressing a question from another member

Twitter Gets Support for New and Diverse Emoji

Twitter Gets Support for New and Diverse Emoji Twitter, the micro-blogging social network has been updated to provide you a much more colorful experience when it comes to emoji, or emoticons as they are popularly referred to. According to the company, it had announced that now users can make use of all-new emoji skin tones

Microsoft tries to make up for angering OneDrive customers after killing unlimited storage

Microsoft tries to make up for angering OneDrive customers after killing unlimited storage Microsoft killed OneDrive’s unlimited cloud storage option in November, and it was very unpopular move. Now it’s trying to make up for it. To recap, the unlimited storage option was cut to 1 TB in November, but it turns out a lot

Twitter for iOS adds 1Password integration for safe and easy log-ins

Twitter for iOS adds 1Password integration for safe and easy log-ins Logging into Twitter just got a lot easier — and much safer — on iOS. In an update, Twitter added 1Password integration for signing in. This will be especially helpful for those with multiple accounts, or who are adding Twitter for the fist time

Pakistan’s Government Data Requests revealed in Facebook Report

Pakistan’s Government Data Requests revealed in Facebook Report Recently Social Media Website Facebook published its government request report, in which they have shown various request from the different government of the world for data access, restriction or removal of contents belonging to specific user accounts in context to the laws of their respective countries. SEE

Popular Password Cracker HashCat Goes Open Source

Popular Password Cracker HashCat Goes Open Source Jens Steube, creator of the password cracking toolkit known as Hashcat announced that his tool and its derivates will be available under open source license. The news has first been published on the Hashcat forum, where Steube explains the motivations behind his move. The main reason, as Steube

Pakwheels Auto Show held in Faisalabad

Pakwheels Auto Show held in Faisalabad Pakistan’s number one automotive website, held an automobile show in Faisalabad on December 06, 2015. It showcased some of the fanciest cars at the city’s Iqbal Stadium. Faisalabad’s District Coordination Officer (DCO) Noorul Ameen Mengal inaugurated the show, while Muhammad Nawaz Malik, a member of the provincial assembly

PIF Announces National Innovation Awards at Pakistan Innovation Forum 2015

PIF Announces National Innovation Awards at Pakistan Innovation Forum 2015 Pakistan Innovation Foundation (PIF) yesterday announced Pakistan’s First National Innovation Awards at its second annual Pakistan Innovation Forum 2015. The Conference, titled MAKE IN PAKISTAN, sought to showcase and promote individuals and institutions who had built something from scratch in Pakistan. The Conference also organized

Ufone & Indus Hospital Collaborate for Blood Donation

Ufone & Indus Hospital Collaborate for Blood Donation Ufone in collaboration with the Indus Hospital held a blood donation drive at its regional office and call centre located in Karachi to spread awareness and promote voluntary blood donation culture in Pakistan. The blood donation drive was led by members of Ufone Volunteer Group (UVG). Under

ECC Finally Approves First Draft of Telecom Policy 2015

ECC Finally Approves First Draft of Telecom Policy 2015 The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) on Friday approved Telecom Policy 2015. The previous five years’ policy was formulated in 2003 and was due to be reviewed in 2008. However, due to lack of interest from the previous government, the telecom policy went into the background. The