Reviews Archive
11 Jul 2015
Facebook tests floating videos, so you can scroll and watch at the same time

Facebook tests floating videos, so you can scroll and watch at the same time A new button that’s quietly appeared on Facebook for some today allows video to be popped out from the newsfeed so you can keep watching as you scroll. Once pressed, the video continues playing and floats out of the way on the
10 Jul 2015
Bank Alfalah Brings MasterCard Internet Payment Gateway to Pakistan

Bank Alfalah Brings MasterCard Internet Payment Gateway to Pakistan Bank Alfalah and MasterCard have signed an agreement to bring MasterCard Internet Gateway System (MIGS) to Pakistan, said a statement issued by the company. Proposed system will connect online merchants and websites with customers by accepting credit cards on the internet. System will also enable online merchants
10 Jul 2015
Exclusive Interview with Junaid Saleem of Kamata Pakistan & TripKar

Exclusive Interview with Junaid Saleem of Kamata Pakistan & TripKar I belong to Bahawalpur. My schooling is from Sadiq Public School, Bahawalpur and BSc (Hons) and MBA from LUMS. Though I have no entrepreneurial background in my family but I think my education played a lot of role in grooming my entrepreneurial spirit. I
10 Jul 2015
LG Announces the Mid Range G4 Beat

LG Announces the Mid Range G4 Beat LG has announced another upper mid-range smartphone in its flagship G4 series (we know that sounds bizarre). The phone is spaciously-sized, with a large display, an octa-core processor and the latest OS. The display at the front is a 5.2” panel with 1080p resolution, which is quite
10 Jul 2015
Facebook Finally Allows More Control Over Your News Feed

Facebook Finally Allows More Control Over Your News Feed Have an annoying Facebook friend whose constant status updates are constantly inundating your news feed? Well things surely became a bit easier for you with Facebook’s new and enhanced News Feed Preferences menu. You get a list of options upon clicking it. You’ll be able
10 Jul 2015
Apple Watch Sales Have Dropped by 90% Since Launch

Apple Watch Sales Have Dropped by 90% Since Launch Apple released is most anticipated wearable gadget, the Apple Watch, back in April and the gadget was very well received during the initial launch weekend. However interest seems to have cooled as reports from MarketWatch and Slice state that the Apple Watch sales have dwindled by
10 Jul 2015
Breaking: UK Pushes to Ban Whatsapp, More Governments to Follow?

Breaking: UK Pushes to Ban Whatsapp, More Governments to Follow? In a move that is sparking outrage across the country, UK is pressing ahead with plans to ban all encrypted communication under stricter laws for social media and online messaging services. Major services including Whatsapp, iMessage and Snapchat could face the ban under the
09 Jul 2015
Two tools that help you stop over-using words in your documents

Two tools that help you stop over-using words in your documents I go through phases with my writing. Sometimes I feel like every second sent ence needs to start with “but,” then I start using “however,” which becomes “nevertheless,” and on and on it goes until the bad habit stops. For times like those, it’s
09 Jul 2015
For Microsoft, the only way out of its big Windows Phone mess is to follow Apple

For Microsoft, the only way out of its big Windows Phone mess is to follow Apple A few well-regarded flagship devices, a focused core experience, a vibrant app ecosystem, and a belief in the quality of its own products: Apple lives and breathes these things, and has achieved massive profitability in the phone space
08 Jul 2015
Why Sony vows to stay in the smartphone business: The Internet of Things

Why Sony vows to stay in the smartphone business: The Internet of Things Don’t expect Sony to give up on smartphones like it did with PCs last year. Speaking with Arabian Business, Sony Mobile President and CEO Hiroki Totoki countered rumors that the company might sell off its phone business. Sony is the 10th-largest phone