Microsoft Archive
13 Mar 2015
How To Turn Wikipedia Pages Into Ebooks
How To Turn Wikipedia Pages Into Ebook If you are like me, you probably love binge-reading Wikipedia, everyone’s favorite web encyclopedia. It contains a huge database of content on almost any topic under the Sun, and in a variety of languages. If you are preparing for a trip, you’d probably save some of these reading
12 Mar 2015
Google Update Allows Company Statements to Top News Searches
Google Update Allows Company Statements to Top News Searches A little-noticed change in the way Google selects search results has allowed company statements to top the list of news links shown when users search for information on businesses.The measure may cost news publishers web traffic and risks misleading users, analysts said. A Google spokeswoman said
12 Mar 2015
Intel Science Talent Search Sees 3 Indian-Americans Win Medals
Intel Science Talent Search Sees 3 Indian-Americans Win Medals Three Indian-Americans who won medals in the Intel Science Talent Search 2015, America’s oldest and most prestigious pre-college science and math competition, met President Barack Obama at the White House with other finalists.They were among the 40 high school seniors, 13 of them of Indian origin,
07 Mar 2015
Hands-on: Office for Mac 2016 finally makes OS X users first-class citizens
Hands-on: Office for Mac 2016 finally makes OS X users first-class citizens e of the main questions you’ll get if you ever coerce someone to migrate from a PC to a Mac is “does it run Microsoft Office?” For as long as anyone can remember, that’s been hard to answer with a straight face. Office for