Microsoft Archive

Microsoft Still Thinking About Android Apps On Windows

Microsoft Still Thinking About Android Apps On Windows There are some things that just don’t go away. Whispers that Microsoft might allow the possibility of running Androidapps on Windows, natively, have been going on for more than a year now. And yet, the company is yet to confirm or deny this strategy. But there are

Windows 10 Icons On Windows 7? This Is How They Look

Windows 10 Icons On Windows 7? This Is How They Look It always comes down to the little things, does it not? Windows 10 icons have quickly become a vocal topic for fans and users, while at the same time not much is said about the overall user interface. Maybe that is because Microsoft is

Office Follows Windows 10 On The Freemium Ride

Office Follows Windows 10 On The Freemium Ride Just like Windows 10, Office, the productivity suite, Microsoft’s number one cash cow, is now all in with the fermium model. The company made the official announcement a few weeks back. But since that was rather vaguely worded, Redmond is back in with more details. Basically the

Leaked Screenshots Show Spartan On Windows 10 For Phones

Leaked Screenshots Show Spartan On Windows 10 For Phones Time for some Project Spartan on Windows 10 for Phones action. Microsoft probably was planning to launch the next preview build of its new mobile OS, but a few new images are here. These leaked screenshots show the Spartan browser running on Windows 10 for Phones.

Android Apps On Windows 10? Microsoft Finds Another Way

Android Apps On Windows 10? Microsoft Finds Another Way But will developers pick it up, that be the million dollar question! Microsoft may not have talked much about Android apps on Windows 10, but the company is certain contemplating such a possibility. And according to unofficial reports, close to making a decision. However, there is more

Microsoft Fixes Windows 10 Bug That Kept Users Locked

Microsoft Fixes Windows 10 Bug That Kept Users Locked   Locked out of their computers, that is, don’t get any funny ideas. This Windows 10 bug, although not widespread, has affected some testers, not allowing them to log into their machines. Build 10041 of the Windows 10 Technical Preview was rolled out last week, and

More Windows 10 For Phones Images Leak, Reveal Smart Dialer

More Windows 10 For Phones Images Leak, Reveal Smart Dialer Nothing like some newly leaked screenshots from Windows 10 for Phones to head into the weekend. Nothing indeed, when some people were expecting a new preview build of the mobile OS to be out. Well, a new preview build is not here, but we got

Windows 10 Technical Preview Support For More Phones Incoming

Windows 10 Technical Preview Support For More Phones Incoming While a few signs pointed towards the second release of the Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones by the end of March, we have confirmation that a new build is coming soon. And it will come with support for more smartphones. Microsoft provided an update last

Google and SPARK are putting notable women on the map

Google and SPARK are putting notable women on the map Google and the SPARK movement have teamed up to put women from history back on the map. SPARK stands for Sexualization Protest: Action, Resistance and Knowledge. It’s an organization that encourages healthy sexuality and promotes gender equality in all areas, including on the Web. Did you

Google’s new Data Saver extension for Chrome compresses pages to save on bandwidth

Google’s new Data Saver extension for Chrome compresses pages to save on bandwidth Google recently launched a new Chrome browser extension in beta that reduces your data usage. Dubbed Data Saver, the extension uses Google’s data compression proxy service to optimize pages before serving them to your browser. It doesn’t work with SSL and incognito