Bluetooth Speakers Archive
27 Jul 2015
Google Voice Gets More Accurate Voicemail Transcriptions

Google Voice Gets More Accurate Voicemail Transcriptions Good news, Google Voice users: Voicemail transcriptions are getting an upgrade. “You may have been there before,” Google Software Engineer Zander Danko wrote in a blog post. “Open your voicemail transcriptions in Google Voice to find that at times they aren’t completely intelligible. Or, they are humorously
27 Jul 2015
Stop working! Play with this interactive tentacle monster instead

Stop working! Play with this interactive tentacle monster instead Searching for tentacles on the internet is…uh…well, let’s just say it can flag up some pretty way out stuff. Good work, Japan! But this is some safe-for-work, tentacle-related entertainment. Muscular Hydrostats – which should be the name of a math rock band – is a simulation that
17 Nov 2014
Samsung’s Sensor-Packed Simband Now Available to Developers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus dictum erat in eros pharetra consequat. Aenean dignissim tempor dui non posuere. Integer quis orci id nulla cursus pharetra. Nulla finibus mauris nibh, sit amet suscipit tellus sagittis in. Proin turpis sem, pretium nec vestibulum non, scelerisque vel libero. Phasellus laoreet eleifend augue, sit amet dignissim
17 Nov 2014
Can This Connected Toy Inspire The Next Generation Of Makers?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus dictum erat in eros pharetra consequat. Aenean dignissim tempor dui non posuere. Integer quis orci id nulla cursus pharetra. Nulla finibus mauris nibh, sit amet suscipit tellus sagittis in. Proin turpis sem, pretium nec vestibulum non, scelerisque vel libero. Phasellus laoreet eleifend augue, sit amet dignissim