Xbox 360 Archive
03 Aug 2015
Game DVR: The Windows 10 feature Microsoft doesn’t want you to know about

Game DVR: The Windows 10 feature Microsoft doesn’t want you to know about The new OS’s capture software isn’t just for gamers – but Microsoft wants you think it is Since the unveiling of Windows 10, Microsoft has been loudly trumpeting features like Edge and Cortana, and boasting how well it works with hybrid
17 Jun 2015
The gaming revolution that wasn’t: Razer acquires console maker Ouya

The gaming revolution that wasn’t: Razer acquires console maker Ouya Ouya got a lot of people excited when it raked in more than $8 million on Kickstarter in 2012. The premise was simple — make a small, inexpensive console running on Android with a game store populated with exclusive content and titles ported from
08 Jun 2015
Fallout 4 is never, ever, ever coming to Xbox 360 or PS3

Fallout 4 is never, ever, ever coming to Xbox 360 or PS3 There will be no version of Fallout 4 released for Xbox 360 or PS3, Bethesda has said. The news was confirmed by Bethesda community lead Matt Grandstaff onNeoGAF. “It’s not coming to 360 and PS3,” he said, “the stuff we’re doing will
05 Jun 2015
How Final Fantasy 15 Has Changed Since It Was Known As Versus 13

How Final Fantasy 15 Has Changed Since It Was Known As Versus 13 Final Fantasy XV has changed quite a lot since it was known as Final Fantasy Versus XIIIwhen it was originally announced all the way back in 2006. As part of this week’s Active Time Report video broadcast, Final Fantasy XV director
03 Jun 2015
MSI Launches a Huge Range of Gaming Products

MSI Launches a Huge Range of Gaming Products REPORTING FROM TAIPEI: MSI hosted its 2015 Gaming Press Conference yesterday amid much fanfare. The company also revealed a new global gaming tournament – the 2015 Masters Gaming Arena, in partnership with Blizzard Entertainment and Electronic Sports League (ESL). At the launch event, MSI highlighted it’s
03 Jun 2015
Explosive Mad Max Game Trailer Released

Explosive Mad Max Game Trailer Released Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment today released new footage of the upcoming Mad Max videogame. Entitled “Savage Road,” the trailer shows snippets of the game’s original story. Though set in George Miller’s post-apocalyptic Mad Max universe, developer Avalanche Studies has promised the game will feature original characters and an all-new
30 May 2015
The 30 Best iPhone Games

The 30 Best iPhone Games Games can challenge us, sparking our problem-solving skills into action, and they can relax us. They make us laugh, and let us connect with friends. They let us burn off steam when we’re frustrated or angry, and sometimes we even learn something about ourselves through playing them. If you have an
17 Nov 2014
Assassin’s Creed Unity Beats Black Flag’s Launch in UK

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