Apple Updates Archive
07 Dec 2015
Forbidden Island (for iPad)
Forbidden Island (for iPad) My breakthrough moment with the iPad came when I played Settlers of Catan and realized that digital slates are an excellent venue for board game adaptations. It required no setup, quickly taught me how to play, and let me practice offline with digital players before going online against real people. I
07 Dec 2015
Octodad: Dadliest Catch (for iPad)
Octodad: Dadliest Catch (for iPad) Who is Octodad? He’s a loving father, secret octopus, possible drug metaphor, star of an acclaimed 2010 student game, and ambassador of a burgeoning gaming subgenre of comedy through difficult controls. Octodad: Dadliest Catch spruced up the original concept for PCs and the PlayStation 4 last year, and now the
05 Dec 2015
Try Apple’s Swift language in IBM’s online sandbox
Try Apple’s Swift language in IBM’s online sandbox Apple recently announced that it has open sourced its Swift programming language that lets developers code software for iOS, OS X, tvOS and watchOS. You can now try it for yourself without installing anything, thanks to IBM. The company has launched a Web-based Swift sandbox where you
03 Dec 2015
Google Chrome For Android Decreases Data Consumption By Upto 70 Percent
Google Chrome For Android Decreases Data Consumption By Upto 70 Percent Internet usage on mobile devices is becoming increasingly popular throughout the globe, even in third world countries. Saving on data and improving page load times on slower mobile networks is becoming an important feature especially for markets without complete 3G coverage. Opera Max’s data
01 Dec 2015
Make your own music sound louder and prouder with Landr’s new Mac app
Make your own music sound louder and prouder with Landr’s new Mac app Landr has emerged over the past year as a quick and easy way of making your own music match up to the loudness and impact of the tracks you hear on the radio. Previously only available via a Web interface, the service
01 Dec 2015
You can now message your Twitch buddies privately on iOS
You can now message your Twitch buddies privately on iOS After testing its private messaging feature Whispers on Android, Twitch hasfinally made it available on iOS as well. The feature works by letting you send messages to your friends on Twitch, even if they’re watching different streams than you. To start a conversation, you just
30 Nov 2015
Mozilla Firefox (for iPhone)
Mozilla Firefox (for iPhone) Firefox, our Editors’ Choice for Windows Web browsers, has been available on most major computing platforms with one major exception: Apple’s iOS operating system for phones and tablets. Even though (as with all non-Safari browsers on iOS), the new Firefox for iPhone is actually just a shell on top of Safari’s
30 Nov 2015
LastPass (for iPhone)
LastPass (for iPhone) Passwords are a critical part of digital life, but people are bad at passwords. We’re not good at thinking up complex passwords, and we’re not good at remembering the bad passwords we come up with. That’s why you need a password manager, and the LastPassiPhone app is one of the best. With it, you’ll
30 Nov 2015
Apple iPad Pro
Apple iPad Pro We recently received the new 12.9-inch Apple iPad Pro for review, which starts at a price tag of $800. At first look, the iPad Pro looks more like a 12-inch laptop than a tablet. When you look at the device’s spec-sheet, it seems as powerful as a mid-range laptop, and indeed upon
14 Oct 2015
There’s a jailbreak for iOS 9, but does anyone care anymore?

There’s a jailbreak for iOS 9, but does anyone care anymore? Over the last few years, Apple’s adoption of popular features first developed by the jailbreak community has meant less reason to jailbreak your phone. But, developers have persisted with releasing untethered jailbreaks and today Pangu has announced the first one for iOS 9, which