Apple Ipads Archive
01 Dec 2015
Make your own music sound louder and prouder with Landr’s new Mac app
Make your own music sound louder and prouder with Landr’s new Mac app Landr has emerged over the past year as a quick and easy way of making your own music match up to the loudness and impact of the tracks you hear on the radio. Previously only available via a Web interface, the service
01 Dec 2015
You can now message your Twitch buddies privately on iOS
You can now message your Twitch buddies privately on iOS After testing its private messaging feature Whispers on Android, Twitch hasfinally made it available on iOS as well. The feature works by letting you send messages to your friends on Twitch, even if they’re watching different streams than you. To start a conversation, you just
30 Nov 2015
Apple iPad Pro
Apple iPad Pro We recently received the new 12.9-inch Apple iPad Pro for review, which starts at a price tag of $800. At first look, the iPad Pro looks more like a 12-inch laptop than a tablet. When you look at the device’s spec-sheet, it seems as powerful as a mid-range laptop, and indeed upon
02 Nov 2015
Apple just had its most profitable year ever

Apple just had its most profitable year ever Earnings calls are typically pretty boring, but there’s one interesting takeaway from Apple’s report today: 2015 was the company’s most profitable year ever. Apple made $53.4 billion in profit in 2015. Take that in for a second. Done? In that second, Apple made about $1,700. It isn’t expected
14 Oct 2015
There’s a jailbreak for iOS 9, but does anyone care anymore?

There’s a jailbreak for iOS 9, but does anyone care anymore? Over the last few years, Apple’s adoption of popular features first developed by the jailbreak community has meant less reason to jailbreak your phone. But, developers have persisted with releasing untethered jailbreaks and today Pangu has announced the first one for iOS 9, which
02 Oct 2015
Apple’s iPad Pro Tries to Copy Microsoft’s Surface But Falls Short

Apple’s iPad Pro Tries to Copy Microsoft’s Surface But Falls Short Apple is famous for its sleek luxury devices and is no doubt an acknowledged leader in the tablet category. However, it seems like the novelty is wearing off. Apple’s new iPad Pro is the talk of the town. The dominant opinion is that
16 Sep 2015
You can’t track down your lost iPhone using an Android device

You can’t track down your lost iPhone using an Android device If you’ve misplaced your iPhone and only have an Android device to track it down with, you’re sadly out of luck. It turns out that, where Apple’s Find My iPhone feature is available, doesn’t support Android browsers, including the default app as
15 Sep 2015
Apple Watch will be sold in John Lewis stores across the UK

Apple Watch will be sold in John Lewis stores across the UK The United Kingdom’s John Lewis department stores will carry Apple Watch beginning September 18, according to Wareable. Until now, the only way to try an Apple Watch in the United Kingdom has been by visiting Apple’s stores, but those are only situated in
11 Sep 2015
Apple ‘blew it’ — The Apple Pencil (stylus) is here

Apple ‘blew it’ — The Apple Pencil (stylus) is here Steve Jobs always severely derided the idea of a stylus: His thought was that if you saw a stylus, then Apple ‘blew it’ — because styluses are klutzy and people lose them. But … Steve also famously told his successor Tim Cook not to waste
10 Sep 2015
Here’s when Apple is releasing new software for Apple Watch, Mac, iPhone and iPad

Here’s when Apple is releasing new software for Apple Watch, Mac, iPhone and iPad Anxious to get your hands on Apple’s latest offerings? We are, too! When it comes to hardware and software, some pretty good stuff is in the pipeline. You’ll probably hang onto your existing hardware, at least for a little while longer. If