Apple Ipads Archive
04 Jan 2016
Oppo Announces Photo-Centric F Series of Smartphones
Oppo Announces Photo-Centric F Series of Smartphones It’s not out of the ordinary for smartphone makers to launch local or global sub-brands and series targeted towards a particular market segment. Samsung launched their Galaxy J and Galaxy On series which specifically targeted the mid-range and entry level market of smartphones. Similarly, Sony has their E
02 Jan 2016
Microsoft released an ‘intelligent’ selfie app for iOS
Microsoft released an ‘intelligent’ selfie app for iOS Microsoft has revealed a new app for selfies on iOS that uses intelligent processing to tweak and edit your pictures. Hot on the heels of Twist for iOS, another app from the company’s Garage division, it seems Microsoft is continuing its targeting of other platforms. Microsoft Selfie
01 Jan 2016
Microsoft Selfie Is The Company’s Latest App for iPhones
Microsoft Selfie Is The Company’s Latest App for iPhones Microsoft Selfie Is The Company’s Latest App for iPhones Microsoft is making yet another entry at the App Store, this time largely as an app developer. Its latest app called Microsoft Selfie can really help you take your self-shot like a boss. Microsoft Selfie for iOS
12 Dec 2015
Everything you need to know before buying a smartwatch
Everything you need to know before buying a smartwatch In many ways, 2015 was the first true ‘year of the smartwatch.’ Though they might not have yet become the ubiquitous phenomenon manufacturers were hoping for – too many early-generation qualms for the average person – there is a newfound public awareness and interest that will continue
09 Dec 2015
Apple Official Smart Battery Case Offers More Juice for iPhone 6/6S
Apple Official Smart Battery Case Offers More Juice for iPhone 6/6S Apple has released its very first Smart Battery Case for the iPhone 6 and 6s. The new accessory was quietly added to their online stores, unusual for a company like Apple which likes to make flashy announcements for the minutest of things. While the
07 Dec 2015
Forbidden Island (for iPad)
Forbidden Island (for iPad) My breakthrough moment with the iPad came when I played Settlers of Catan and realized that digital slates are an excellent venue for board game adaptations. It required no setup, quickly taught me how to play, and let me practice offline with digital players before going online against real people. I
07 Dec 2015
Octodad: Dadliest Catch (for iPad)
Octodad: Dadliest Catch (for iPad) Who is Octodad? He’s a loving father, secret octopus, possible drug metaphor, star of an acclaimed 2010 student game, and ambassador of a burgeoning gaming subgenre of comedy through difficult controls. Octodad: Dadliest Catch spruced up the original concept for PCs and the PlayStation 4 last year, and now the
05 Dec 2015
Try Apple’s Swift language in IBM’s online sandbox
Try Apple’s Swift language in IBM’s online sandbox Apple recently announced that it has open sourced its Swift programming language that lets developers code software for iOS, OS X, tvOS and watchOS. You can now try it for yourself without installing anything, thanks to IBM. The company has launched a Web-based Swift sandbox where you
03 Dec 2015
Google Chrome For Android Decreases Data Consumption By Upto 70 Percent
Google Chrome For Android Decreases Data Consumption By Upto 70 Percent Internet usage on mobile devices is becoming increasingly popular throughout the globe, even in third world countries. Saving on data and improving page load times on slower mobile networks is becoming an important feature especially for markets without complete 3G coverage. Opera Max’s data
02 Dec 2015
Microsoft PowerApps Lets You Create Apps without Prior Programming Knowledge
Microsoft PowerApps Lets You Create Apps without Prior Programming Knowledge Would you like to start developing applications, without having any knowledge of programming whatsoever? Thanks to Microsoft PowerApps, this is now possible. The company has announced its latest application development solution catered towards businesses, which will easily be able to create applications for top-tier mobile