15 Dec 2015
Duet Display Transforms Your iOS Devices into A Second Display
Duet Display Transforms Your iOS Devices into A Second Display Tablets have yet to overtake laptops as proper alternate solutions primarily because they run mobile applications instead of desktop apps (at least some of them). However, Duet Display (available on the App Store) plans on changing all that by turning your iOS device into a
15 Dec 2015
Anusha Rehman Gets GEM-Tech Global Achievers Award 2015
Anusha Rehman Gets GEM-Tech Global Achievers Award 2015 Anusha Rehman, Minister for State for Telecom and IT, has been awarded with GEM-Tech Global Achievers Award in recognition of her exceptional efforts to boost women’s empowerment through ICTs. She was given the award at a ceremony held on the sidelines of World Summit on the Information Society in New York today.
15 Dec 2015
Online Registration & Issuance of Passports to Start From April Next Year
Online Registration & Issuance of Passports to Start From April Next Year The National Assembly of Pakistan has been informed that an online registration and issuance service for machine readable passports will begin start from April 2016. This information was revealed by Interior Minister Chaudhary Nisar on Monday while addressing a question from another member
15 Dec 2015
Mobilink is Launching At Least Four 3G Phones with Under Rs. 8,000 Price tag
Mobilink is Launching At Least Four 3G Phones with Under Rs. 8,000 Price tag Mobilink is all set to launch its own phones in Pakistan with ultra-low prices and superior price-range specs, we have heard from people who are aware of the development. While we don’t have a confirmation, it is expected that phones will be launched
14 Dec 2015
Twitter Gets Support for New and Diverse Emoji
Twitter Gets Support for New and Diverse Emoji Twitter, the micro-blogging social network has been updated to provide you a much more colorful experience when it comes to emoji, or emoticons as they are popularly referred to. According to the company, it had announced that now users can make use of all-new emoji skin tones
14 Dec 2015
7 Reasons Why Need For Speed: No Limits Is The Best Mobile Racing Game
7 Reasons Why Need For Speed: No Limits Is The Best Mobile Racing Game Why is this game such a big hit on mobile devices? Let’s take a look at some of the reasons it’s been praised worldwide. It Costs Nothing to Play First and foremost, the most important factor when getting your hands on
14 Dec 2015
Android Marshmallow & The State of Android Fragmentation in 2015
Android Marshmallow & The State of Android Fragmentation in 2015 The fragmentation issues of Android are nothing new. However, right now if you look at the adoption rates you are likely to notice an understandingly peculiar thing. most of the users today, i.e. 70 percent of all users, are on a two-year old OS version.
14 Dec 2015
Punjab To Launch E-Procurement In 5 Government Offices
Punjab To Launch E-Procurement In 5 Government Offices Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) has launched an e-Procurement system for procurement transactions between government departments. The system was developed in-house by the PITB. This new system will provide a simpler yet transparent and efficient method to manage small financial transactions. Details about the E-Procurement System The
14 Dec 2015
Skype, WhatsApp, Others Might Soon Need a License to Operate in Pakistan
Skype, WhatsApp, Others Might Soon Need a License to Operate in Pakistan Once new licensing framework is finalized by PTA, certain OTT services (WhatsApp, Skype, Facebook etc.) are likely to be asked to obtain license from regulator in order to operate in Pakistan. Section 5.2.5 of Telecom Policy says: In developing the new licensing regime interalia the following
12 Dec 2015
A Muslim man was thrown off a train in London for his ‘suspicious’ iPad use
A Muslim man was thrown off a train in London for his ‘suspicious’ iPad use A Muslim man was forced to get off a train in London after another passenger deemed his use of an iPad ‘suspicious’. The Evening Standard interviewed witnesses during the incident and described how the reaction came after a man turned