Future is in Digital Banking

Future is in Digital Banking At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2016 in Davos earlier in the year, two facets of the global Financial Services industry were examined and deliberated over in great detail. First, that globally speaking, 2 billion people and 200 Million Small to Mid-sized enterprises (SME’s) are financially underserved. And second,

Facebook Lite is the Company’s Fastest Growing App with 100m Monthly Active Users

Facebook Lite is the Company’s Fastest Growing App with 100m Monthly Active Users Facebook Lite, the Facebook app which is low on data-consumption, has hit 100M active monthly views globally. The app, which was rolled out on June of 2015 is now the fastest growing Facebook app, and is most popular in markets such as

One Load Aims to Revolutionize Mobile Top-Up Market in Pakistan

One Load Aims to Revolutionize Mobile Top-Up Market in Pakistan For years, since top-ups were introduced in Pakistan, retailers have kept five different mobile phones to top-up mobile accounts of consumers. On top of keeping five separate phones, which is a hassle in itself, they maintain separate mobile-balance in all phones to keep their top-up business running.

Dropbox Boasts 500 Million Registered Users For Its Cloud Storage Service

Dropbox Boasts 500 Million Registered Users For Its Cloud Storage Service Dropbox has announced that it has reached a new milestone with it now having 500 million registered users. The company announced 100 million users in November 2012, 200 million a year later, and from then on it sped up and added more than 200

‘Flash Pack’ Is A Portable Power Bank That Charges in 14 Minutes

‘Flash Pack’ Is A Portable Power Bank That Charges in 14 Minutes Tired of your phone running out of battery just before an important phone call or Skype meeting? Abdullah Soomro, a 23 year old entrepreneur from Pakistan, has invented a power bank called‘Flash Pack’, which charges up completely in just 14 minutes from any

Gmail’s new security features just might save you from getting fired one day

Gmail’s new security features just might save you from getting fired one day Google Apps for Work Unlimited customers can now benefit from better attachment scanning in Gmail that uses optical character recognition to check before sensitive document copies or images are sent out of your company via email. Google’s Data Loss Prevention (DLP) launched

Brands may soon send you ads via Facebook Messenger, whether you like it or not

Brands may soon send you ads via Facebook Messenger, whether you like it or not Facebook’s selling point for Messenger is that businesses can tap into it to chat with customers. A new report suggests Facebook will also let those businesses target their customers with ads via Messenger. A document allegedly obtained by TechCrunch details

Facebook’s hosting 27 live-streaming parties for its F8 conference

Facebook’s hosting 27 live-streaming parties for its F8 conference If you want to make sure you’re the first to hear about Facebook’s latest updates to its developer ecosystem but can’t make it to San Francisco for F8 on April 12, you might want to quickly sign up to attend a live viewing party in your

Facebook launches interactive full-screen ads called Canvas

Facebook launches interactive full-screen ads called Canvas At an event in New York today, Facebook launched its newest product for marketers: interactive mobile ads called Canvas, which it first announced back in September. Canvas is an evolution of the earlier Carousel ads, which allowed users to swipe through multiple product or brand photos if they

Google gets 113,668 copyright takedown requests an hour in game of cat and pirate

Google gets 113,668 copyright takedown requests an hour in game of cat and pirate Google’s playing a cat and mouse game with link-sharers on the Web and the search giant is increasingly swamped with takedown requests from rights holders, or those acting on behalf of them, mainly in the music and film industries. In the