Best Corporate Antivirus Software that Helped me to Protect my Business

This report analysis-cum-guide explains how you can make your office’s computers absolutely secure from malware, spyware, viruses and spams that annoy you and destroy some or all of your personal data and may cause your system for being slow down. Credit: Flickr The advancement of technology in the field of computer science did not only

Best Free Antivirus Software for Windows 10/8/8.1 in 2015

With the increased usage of internet for both in our social and professional lives the risk of our system getting affected from virus has also increased. Virus is the most famous computer attacker, it’s a program which spy or infects files that harm your computer or leaks sensitive data. Most spywares type viruses are used to

Download Latest iOS Firmwares Free for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

Apple’s iOS firmware is the operating system for all Apple device including iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Apple release its new iOS with the release of new version of iOS devices every year. In Apple category you can find latest updates about Apple’s devices and iOS firmwares. Apple makes different iOS firmwares for different devices

Best Free Photo Editing Apps for Windows 10/8/8.1

Those days have gone when you were required a big dark room with chemicals and large apparatus to develop and edit your photos perfectly. Technology has revolutionized the photography techniques and best digital images are in your hands because of the best photo editing apps. No need to have thousand dollar stuff, just a laptop or

Best Free Browser Apps for iOS 8, 8.1, 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.3 and 8.2

Internet usage trend is rapidly increasing in our personal and social lives. The speed of net surfing is not only depends on internet connection, but a fast browser also plays a vital role, because it’s the primary connection with World-wide-web. Unlike past days when it was easy to choose which browser to run, the availability of

5 Best Astronomy Apps for Windows 10, 8 & 8.1

Always striving to know more about universe is a natural human tendency that how this all came into being, what is galaxy and is there any sign of life on other planets. These are the questions keep coming in most people’s minds who are interested in astronomy. As technological innovations helped us in countless human

9 Top Rated Windows 10 Health Apps

As the new highly anticipated Microsoft’s latest Windows 10 is about to unfold officially in February, the development of supported apps is on hike, such as handy health apps; Windows 8 and 8.1 apps developers just modifying their apps to make them compatible with Windows 10. Certainly, health should be on everybody’s priority list and

Samsung Galaxy Note Edge review: Innovation, experiment or gimmick?

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This Wooden All-in-One Neo Geo Arcade System Is an Absolute Work Of Art

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus dictum erat in eros pharetra consequat. Aenean dignissim tempor dui non posuere. Integer quis orci id nulla cursus pharetra. Nulla finibus mauris nibh, sit amet suscipit tellus sagittis in. Proin turpis sem, pretium nec vestibulum non, scelerisque vel libero. Phasellus laoreet eleifend augue, sit amet dignissim

The iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3 review

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus dictum erat in eros pharetra consequat. Aenean dignissim tempor dui non posuere. Integer quis orci id nulla cursus pharetra. Nulla finibus mauris nibh, sit amet suscipit tellus sagittis in. Proin turpis sem, pretium nec vestibulum non, scelerisque vel libero. Phasellus laoreet eleifend augue, sit amet dignissim