Google to accommodate disabled people in new Android N

Google to accommodate disabled people in new Android N


LONDON: Google is taking another step towards ease of accessibility and improved user experience in its upcoming Android N.

Google aims to bring more of the 20 percent world population suffering with different disabilities on the Android bandwagon with these new tweaks.

Vision Settings – next version of Android N would allow users to optimize display for clearer and sharper display which includes font, display size and magnification options.

ChromeVox screen reader – the new built-in reader will enhance user experience with the text to speech software, keyboard shortcut, Braille output and navigation sounds.

Google has already rolled out voice command features to handle typing, editing and formatting Google Docs and now this is the next step.

Accessibility Scanner for Developer – developers would be able to customize their apps for better accessibility through this new feature. Developers can also use Google options to utilize freedom to change font size, contrast, background and more.

Sarmad Gardezi

Sarmad Gardezi

Web Cordinator / Blogger at Moon Creations
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