Bing integrates Uber into iOS search app
Bing integrates Uber into iOS search app
In a bid to capture some kind of market against rival Google, Bing has updated its iOS search app with a number of new features, including Uber integration.
Bing now offers real-time map data when you hit ‘get a ride’ from a search listing or tap the Uber icon within the app so you can see cabs that are available nearby.

Back in June, Uber bought up some of Bing’s mapping assets, plus around 100 employees, so part of that deal might have been an agreement that Uber would go live in the app and potentially start to be the mapping company behind Bing’s search.
Additionally, Bing has added support for barcode scanning and price comparison with this update so you can compare prices across 12 US retailers including Walmart, Target, Home Depot and Macys.
The app also compares the product you’re scanning with online players like Amazon so you can see if you’re getting a better price in store or on the Web.

Bing has also added support for GIFs, a key tool for any modern searcher.
The updated app now includes swipe left and right navigation but strangely, the company has ditched its one unique feature, ‘shake to search’, which is what set it apart in the first place from its competitors.
➤ Bing [via Search Engine Land]