ExD to Open SAP Training Centres Across PakistanExD to Open SAP Training Centres Across Pakistan
ExD to Open SAP Training Centres Across Pakistan
Excellence Delivered (ExD), a Pakistani software solutions provider, is planning to open a series of SAP training centres across Pakistan. This initiative is part of the company’s commitment to the development of the country’s IT talent.
The first of these centres will be launched in Faisalabad in the coming weeks.
ExD is already providing training of SAP modules at a certified SAP training academy located at its head office in Lahore. As part of the current training programme, certified SAP professionals offer students the benefits of their knowledge, experience, and expertise. 100 % of the students who have graduated from this five month program have gone on to get local and international jobs.
Commenting on the upcoming launch of these SAP training centres, ExD co-founder and CEO Mr Sajjad Mustafa Syed said, “There is very growing demand of SAP consultants in the world. SAP consultant is the most sought after person in the IT world. It is unfortunate that none of the top universities in Pakistan provide proper SAP training, either in itself or as part of any special curriculum. This is the gap that we wish to bridge by establishing our SAP training centres. We wish to not only highlight the importance of SAP training, but also provide quality training of SAP modules to aspiring students.”
By the end of 2014, ExD plans to launch SAP training centres in other cities across Pakistan, particularly Karachi, Multan, Faisalabad, Peshawar and Abbottabad, along with a centre in Kabul, Afghanistan.