6 predictions about the future of video and job interviewing
6 predictions about the future of video and job interviewing
Imagine it’s 2025 and you’re preparing to interview candidates for an open position. Are you setting up your office for the interview? Or are you charging up the latest wearable technology and getting ready for a live video chat — right from your wrist?
Close to two-thirds of hiring managers already are using video interviews to locate and hire top talent, according to an OfficeTeam study. As this trend continues to grow, what can we expect for the next phase of video interviewing?
There’s no doubt the modern workplace is transforming into a video chat-focused world. Because of this, employers need to adopt the latest video interviewing trends to help them identify the best talent for their organizations.
Here are six ways video might influence the future of interviewing.
1. Video job posts
The future workplace will no longer require candidates to apply to poorly written job postings or submit paper resumes. Instead, job boards will turn into a video platform where job seekers can view video job postings and reply directly with a video application.
Tools such as Ongig, an employer branding tool, enable employers to create more engaging job posts and attract talent to their companies. For example, Salesforce.com used Ongig to create a video job post, shared it on social media and the job post got retweeted 57 times.
2. Screening candidates through smartwatch interviews
Don’t have enough time to screen hundreds of candidates? Why not set up video interviews on the go with your smart watch?
Smartwatches will potentially have an impact on video interviews — hiring managers and candidates everywhere will be connected. With the concept already in development, video interviewing apps on smart watches look to become the next generation of interviewing.
3. Using Snapchat to screen candidates
Originally a video and photo sharing platform for millennials, Snapchat is quickly turning into a platform for businesses to reach their target audience. Because of this, there’s no reason why employers can’t adopt a similar strategy when interviewing candidates.
Believe it or not, there are already employers who are using Snapchat to recruit candidates. For example, earlier this year an Irish pub accepted job applications exclusively through Snapchat — the employer thought this technique would force candidates to sell their skills in 10 seconds or fewer.
4. Asking references to submit video recommendations
Obtaining references is a crucial part of the interview process. Instead of using phone calls to gather information from references, why not ask them to send in a video of their recommendation? These videos will enable employers to re-watch recommendations, which may be effective for making a hiring decision.
5. Using video screen-sharing to test candidates’ skills
If you’re interviewing a candidate on the opposite side of the country, but want to test whether he or she has the skills needed for the job, invite him or her to perform a skills assessment via live video. During this assessment, ask the candidate to share screens so he or she can display performance in real-time.
For example, if you’re interviewing candidates for a graphic design position, you could give them the objective of designing a graphic in Illustrator. Although this might add pressure to the interview, it will show the employer what the candidate is capable of creating.
6. Announcing job offers through video
There have already been a few cases of employers offering candidates jobs by sharing photos on social media platforms. Why not adopt a similar concept and share video job offers?
There are a number of creative ways to make videos to share job offers. You can create a quick clip using Instagram or publish a longer welcome video to YouTube. This can add a personal touch to a job offer and potentially generate some positive PR for your company.
Video interviewing is quickly changing the way employers connect with talent and hire top candidates. By paying attention to these trends, you’ll have the opportunity to shape your video interviewing process for the future.